Get id of a process and kill it
Sometimes you must kill a process from command line. “kill” command needs process id. You can get a process details with “ps aux | grep java” but this command prints lots of details. But “kill” command needs only the process id data.
For getting id of a process you can use “pgrep” command. This prints only process id. For example: pgrep java
After this time you can kill a process without writing its id. The command is that: kill $(pgrep java)
kill -9 is generally a last resort. It’s better to try kill -11 then kill -6 first. If kill -11 doesn’t kill it, kill -6 usually does. Try kill -11 first, wait a few/several seconds, and if the process is still alive, try kill -6. Wait several seconds and if it still isn’t dead, you can then try kill -9
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