Cinnamon keyboard settings resetting after wake up

Emir Buğra KÖKSALAN tarafından tarihinde yayınlandı

Hi folks, I hope everything doing well. Novadays I’m using Ubuntu with Cinnamon desktop environment and I’m receiving a strange problem. The problem is keyboard ‘speed’ and ‘repeat’ settings resetting after sleep. This is so annoying problem but I found a fix to this. Now I’m going to explain that how to fix the cinnamon desktop environments keyboard settings reset problem.

We will use xset command and system-sleep folder. Let me show the full command list:

nano /lib/systemd/system-sleep/50_keyboard-settings
# echo "keyboard setting input: $1" >> /home/usernamehere/wakelog.txt
case "$1" in
        sleep 2
        DISPLAY=:0 sudo -u usernamehere xset r rate 220 40

The main thing is that you have to set DISPLAY environment variable in command. Otherwise xset command doesn’t works. Happy coding bros.


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